Rediscover Natural Healing: Learn About the Power of Homeopathy
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine. Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, minerals and animals. They have no side effects and are non toxic. They can be used alongside all conventional medicines with a difference of two hours. Homeopathy can be prescribed in liquid or tablet form. Homeopathy has a holistic approach. It takes care of the condition both physically and emotionally. A personal, family medical and emotional history is also taken to form a complete picture of the patient.
Homeopathy has an individualistic approach. According to this, every patient is a separate entity in itself. If we have five cases of headache, they may need different medicines as every individual is different. In this way, Homeopathy seeks to find the correct remedy for the individual expression of a particular patient.
How Homeopathy was discovered
Homeopathy was first discussed in ancient times by Hippocrates. However, Homeopathy, as we know it today was founded over 200 years ago by a German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann, after many years of research. He found that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people; this doctrine is called similia similibus curentur, or “like cures like”. He also discovered that the more dilute a substance was the more effective and more gentle it was in bringing about health and balance. Although shunned in his time, he was more successful than conventional medicine in the treatment of patients in the smallpox epidemic and he has had many followers in both the medical and non-medical community.
How Homeopathy works
Our bodies are amazing machines, Skin heals when cut, bones knit back together when broken and antibodies are created to fight pathogens that may enter into our body and cause harm. We somehow have lost confidence in our bodies ability to heal itself, but it can. Sometimes however, some help is needed and homeopathy aims to stimulate the body’s own immune system, encouraging it to rebalance the body in an effective way to bring about health.
Is there any evidence that homeopathy works?
There is now a growing body of evidence that shows homeopathy works. Results from various randomised control trials (RCT’s) show that homeopathy has positive results over placebo. What we cannot prove yet however, is how homeopathy works, the proof of this lays within the field of quantum physics. For more information on homeopathic research visit the Homeopathic Research Institute.
Can I use homeopathy and medicine from my Doctor?
Most of the patients that come to see us are on conventional medicine, some want to stay on the medicine and use homeopathy alongside it, others want homeopathy to treat side-effects of the medication they are taking. Others would like to gradually reduce the amount of medication they are taking and are looking to homeopathy as an alternative. Withdrawal from any prescribed drug must be done with the knowledge of your doctor.
Are there any side-effects?
There are no side effects from homeopathy however, we cannot predict how the body will react to the action of remedies to bring about healing. Sometimes we see individuals having what we call a ‘healing response’ where the body tries to eliminate toxins from the body by producing mucus, a fever or another way of eliminating. We also often see old symptoms of previous complaints arising during treatment as the body tries to revert to a time when they were healthy.
Homeopathy as compared with conventional medicine in daily clinical practice, at least gives same or in some cases better results in patient centred outcomes and evaluation than conventional medicines.
Multimorbidity – multiple diseases in the one person – is now a large-scale epidemic, and not just in rich countries. Many patients are on 7-8 drugs at a time leading to an 80% risk of adverse drug reactions. Homeopathy can be a great alternative in these instances.