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It’s truly amazing to see different seasons of the year. When the flowers bloom, it’s so attractive and gives us joy. Likewise, we do enjoy the colors of fall.  But it’s not the same feeling for the people who suffer from seasonal allergies such as hay fever.

The pollens can certainly give lots of disturbing symptoms to the people who are sensitive to them.

Allergy is the response of our body’s immune system against the triggers like pollens, dust, hay etc. It reflects its sensitivity towards these triggers in the form of following symptoms:

  1.     Sneezing
  2.     Cough
  3.     Red and itchy eyes
  4.     Itching in the nose
  5.     Blocked nose or runny nose
  6.     Itching in the throat, and surrounding areas like ears, nose angles of the mouth
  7.     Incessant cough which can be dry or productive

Homeopathy is the solution to allergies as this system of medicine acts on the person’s immune system and strengthens it so that the body is strong enough to fight against these triggers with its self-healing power.

Here are some of the most widely used and effective medications to tackle hay fever: 

Allium cepa:

Commonly known as onion, is a valuable treatment for hay fever symptoms. It proves beneficial in cases characterized by excessive sneezing and watery eyes and nose.

The nasal discharge caused by this condition can cause irritation and a burning sensation on the upper lip. Discharge from eyes is bland.

Individuals experiencing these symptoms often report feeling thirsty and find their condition worsens indoors and in warm rooms. Conversely, they experience relief when exposed to fresh air.

Arsenicum album: Another good hay fever remedy, Arsenicum can provide relief when there is burning or itching in the nose, eyes or throat. Discharges are watery, but will

feel like they are burning the skin, and there may be a wheezy, asthmatic cough alongside. The person will probably feel chilly, restless and anxious and may have increased thirst, wanting to drink little and often.


Sourced from a plant traditionally known as Eyebright, this remedy is, unsurprisingly, helpful for conditions that affect the eyes. Consider Euphrasia for hay fever that comes with lots of sneezing and sore, swollen eyes with streaming tears that burn.

The nose may also be running, but without the burning sensation here.

Symptoms tend to be worse indoors, in the evening and from both warmth and bright lights.


There is always a heavy, tired and droopy feeling for a person in need of Gelsemium. They will have a flushed face and heavy eyes. The nose tends to run with a watery discharge that irritates the skin, and sneezing can be frequent and violent. Hay fever makes the Gelsemium patient feel fluent and may be accompanied by chills, aches and trembling. They will be thirstless and will feel better from resting and lying down.


This remedy should be considered if there is great itching and irritation in the nose along with violent bouts of sneezing. There is copious discharge from both nose and eyes, although the nostrils may feel stuffed up at the same time. Eyelids are red and sore and there may be a severe frontal headache as well. Someone needing Sabadilla is very sensitive to their surroundings, particularly to odors.


Think of Wyethia when there is an intolerable itching on the roof of the mouth and behind the nose. The patient may try to relieve the itch by ‘scratching’ with their tongue. The nose is likely to be streaming but there is a sensation that all mucous membranes are dry; even the voice may be hoarse and feel scratchy. Someone in need of Wyethia may feel irritated and depressed by their allergies and they tend to feel worse in the afternoon.

For more details around the possible care for Asthma and your specific condition please get in touch with The Healing Hands Homeopathy Clinic at www.thehealinghands.ca or call us at our number 905 925 0281 and we’ll be happy to assist and answer any queries.